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Is LASIK Eye Surgery Worth It?

The high costs of prescriptions eyeglasses and contacts continues to add up year over year, far outpacing a one-time investment in laser eye surgery. Correcting your vision once and for all is not…

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Does PRK Last Forever?

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) was the first ever laser vision correction technique performed on the eyes. PRK is often viewed as the traditional LASIK alternative for those who do not meet the criteria for…

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Does LASIK Correct Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a very common condition that refers to the imperfection of the curvature of the eye wherein either the lens or cornea is curved differently in one direction or the other. The…

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Are You Put to Sleep For LASIK?

One of the top questions we receive here at Skyline LASIK when it comes to the anticipation of LASIK surgery is “are you put to sleep for LASIK?” Some patients are hopeful they…

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Will LASIK Work for Me?

For many, the thought of anyone or anything touching their eyes induces anxiety or at least some degree of uncomfortableness. With the image of a laser pointed directly into your eye with your…

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What is a LASIK Doctor Called?

LASIK is a laser vision surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. When considering LASIK surgery, finding a trusted, highly trained LASIK surgeon will be your primary goal. When looking for…

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