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Cameron Brink


Skyline LASIK is dedicated to providing patients exceptional vision solutions and personalized experience. Our approach allows us to tailor the best vision correction surgery for each patient, considering their unique needs, refractive errors, and lifestyle. We are proud to offer patients EVO ICL as a vision correction solution in Colorado Springs. This innovative procedure performed by Dr. Matthew Chang is designed to treat moderate to severe nearsightedness (myopia), with or without astigmatism.

Is EVO ICL Right for You?

What is EVO ICL?

EVO ICL by STAAR Surgical is an Implantable Collamer® Lens that can help patients with myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism achieve sharp, clear Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Effect of the EVO+ Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life, Am J Ophthalmol 2021;226:117-125 Martínez-Plaza E, López-Miguel A, López-de la Rosa A, et al Go to Source vision. Unlike LASIK and other vision correction procedures, EVO is additive technology that works in harmony with the natural eye and does not require the removal of any corneal tissue. This means that patients who are not good candidates for LASIK may still be able to achieve freedom from glasses and contact lenses with EVO ICL. EVO ICL refractive surgery does not cause dry eyes, a known side effect of laser vision correction, and it allows patients to enjoy excellent night vision.

EVO ICL illustration
BENEFITS snorkeler at the bottom of the ocean looking at the ocean floor

Benefits of Correcting Your Vision with EVO ICL

  • Sharp, clear vision: EVO ICL can help Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Evaluation of the EVO/EVO+ Sphere and Toric Visian ICL: Six month results from the United States Food and Drug Administration clinical trial Packer M Go to Source patients achieve excellent day and night Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia Parkhurst GD Go to Source vision.
  • High rate of patient satisfaction: Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source The Implantable Collamer Lens with a central port: review of the literature Packer M Go to Source 99.4% of EVO ICL patients report that they would have the procedure again.
  • A great option for patients with thin corneas: Even patients who don’t qualify for LASIK due to thin corneas may be Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the Visian ICL Parkhurst GD, Psolka M, Kezirian GM Go to Source candidates for EVO ICL.
  • Fully reversible vision correction: EVO ICL is designed to be permanent, but can be removed if desired.
  • Biocompatible: EVO ICL is an Implantable Collamer Lens that works in harmony with the natural eye.
  • UV Protection: EVO ICL has built-in UV protection.
  • Does not cause dry eye: EVO ICL is proven not to cause or worsen dry eye Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Matched population comparison of visual outcomes and patient satisfaction between 3 modalities for the correction of low to moderate myopic astigmatism Ganesh S, Brar S, Pawar A Go to Source syndrome.
  • A fast, comfortable procedure: EVO ICL surgery takes only about 20 minutes per eye.
  • Fast Recovery: Most patients return to work the day after their EVO ICL procedure.

Who is a Good Candidate for EVO ICL?

Candidates for EVO ICL:

  • Are between the ages of 21- 45
  • Have moderate to severe nearsightedness (myopia) with or without astigmatism
  • Have a stable prescription and overall healthy eyes
  • Are less suited for laser vision correction procedures like LASIK & PRK

EVO ICL Candidacy Quiz

“My life has changed for the better! I don’t have to fumble with contacts anymore when I wake up or during the day, and my eyes aren’t irritated anymore. Plus, I don’t have to worry about losing lenses on the court!”

– Cameron Brink, WNBA Player

Preparing for EVO ICL

Preparing for EVO ICL surgery starts with a consultation at Skyline LASIK. You will undergo a complete eye examination along with a review of your medications and medical history. You’ll meet with our trusted ophthalmologist Dr. Chang who will ask you questions about your vision goals, lifestyle and will review the details of the procedure. You will be able to ask questions and we encourage you to do so because we believe at Skyline LASIK an educated patient is a confident patient. When your ready we’ll schedule you for EVO ICL surgery and you’ll receive instructions

Before your EVO ICL consultation, please discontinue wearing contact lenses, which can alter the shape of your cornea.

  • Hard contacts (RGP, Scleral) for at least 2 weeks
  • Soft contacts (Monthly, Dailies, etc) for at least 3-5 days

In the days leading up to your surgery, you’ll need to pick up your prescribed medicated eye drops your surgeon sent to your local pharmacy and make arrangements for transportation to and from the surgery center (you won’t be permitted to drive yourself home).

The day of your EVO ICL surgery, do not eat or drink 8 hours prior to arriving and should not wear contacts lenses, makeup, lotions, perfumes or jewelry to the surgery center.

What to Expect During EVO ICL Surgery

EVO ICL surgery is performed at an Ambulatory Surgery Center near our practice in Colorado Springs. Surgery is performed using IV sedation also known as conscious sedation to help you relax and feel comfortable. Anesthetic and dilating eye drops will be administered to numb as well as dilate your eyes. Dr. Chang will make a series of tiny incisions, at the edge of your cornea in order to insert and position your EVO ICL implant. Once the ICL has been positioned Dr. Chang will inject cholinergic agent causing constriction of your iris (color part of your eye) and ciliary body while reducing the pressure in the eye. Dr. Chang will then perform the exact same procedure on your other eye taking approximately 15-20 minutes per eye. Following surgery, you will recover briefly in our care before you are released to be driven home by a friend or family member.

Recovery After EVO ICL

You won’t need much downtime after your EVO ICL surgery: the majority of our patients go back to work or school the very next day. You might experience some mild discomfort in the first few days after your surgery, but this will be easily managed with over-the-counter medication and a cool compress. Please be sure to adhere to all of Dr. Chang’s instructions regarding prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory eye drops. It’s important to keep all post operative appointments after surgery so we can monitor your recovery. One of the best things about EVO ICL is how quickly it works: you will notice a significant improvement in your vision nearly immediately!

Learn More About EVO ICL

50K+ vision correction procedures

Why Choose Skyline LASIK for EVO ICL?

Board Certified Ophthalmologist who specializes in EVO ICL
state of the art technology icon
Over 20 years of experience implanting ICLs
24-hour emergency on-call access to a doctor
trained staff icon
Highly trained staff to help you every step of the way
stars ~ Michael P., Google Business Review google icon lines
“Dr. Chang and the whole Skyline LASIK group are phenomenal, you can tell they care about their patients. If you've done your research you already know they are the best in CO Springs!I had the ICL surgery, and they briefed me on what to expect, timelines to expect it, etc. A few moments of discomfort for 20/15 vision, my only regret is I didn't make the decision sooner.”
stars ~ Kellie M., Google Business Review google icon lines
“I’ve been so happy with my experience at Skyline Lasik! Dr. Chang did my ICL surgery a few weeks ago and I’m thrilled with how my vision has turned out. Alicia and Erika were so helpful and responsive throughout the whole process. I highly recommend the whole team!”
stars ~ Michelle C., Google Business Review google icon lines
"I was legally blind before this surgery, and I officially have 20/20 vision! I would absolutely recommend Skyline LASIK to any and all friends, family, etc! You're in great hands here :)”
stars ~ Melissa, Google google icon lines
“I had ICL surgery done in August to correct my vision. It was not the most comfortable procedure in the world but I knew what to expect because they explained everything so well. My vision prior to surgery was awful! Dr. Chang said it did not measure on the 20/20 scale - I could count fingers from one foot away. 5 weeks post-op my vision is 20/15!! I didn't think I would ever be able to see this good. I love not having to fumble for my glasses when my young kids need something in the middle of the night! Thank you, Dr. Chang and team for giving me the gift of sight!!”
stars ~ Kissa Z., Google google icon lines
“I'm about 2 months post op from an ICL procedure, and I love my new eyesight. I found out about Skyline via a podcast and was intrigued by all the different eye procedures they perform... After scheduling my consultation, which was the most thorough eye exam I've ever had, also the best, I was told that while I wasn't a candidate for LASIK I would be a great candidate for the ICL procedure... The procedure was performed by Dr. Chang, it was quick, painless, and I had most of my sight back within a few hours. Recovery was quick and I was back at work within a few days."
COST happy woman driving in her car while wearing sunglasses

How Much Does EVO ICL Cost?

Clear vision is priceless. Our patients see EVO ICL as a wise long-term investment in their vision and quality of life, especially when compared to the ongoing costs of glasses and contacts. To learn more about how you can fit EVO ICL into your budget, check out our convenient payment options.

Ready to See What You’ve Been Missing?

Your journey to seeing the world more clearly starts by scheduling your EVO ICL consultation at Skyline LASIK in Colorado Springs.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Frequently Asked Questions About EVO ICL

Is EVO ICL surgery painful?

No. You will be given IV sedation along with anesthetic eye drops before your surgery, so you should not feel any pain.

Will other people be able to see the EVO ICL in my eye?

No. Nobody will be able to notice the EVO ICL in your eye, and unlike a contact lens, you will not feel it.

Is EVO ICL safe?

EVO ICL is FDA-approved and is considered to be both safe and highly effective. The best way to ensure optimal vision correction surgery results is to work with an experienced ophthalmologist like Dr. Matthew Chang.

Is the EVO ICL lens permanent?

EVO ICL is designed to provide permanent vision correction in patients who have myopia (nearsightedness) with or without astigmatism. However, one benefit of EVO ICL is that it can be removed if a patient’s needs change, which offers our patients the only reversible surgical option to correct their vision and the flexibility for their future.

It is important to note that, while EVO ICL can correct a patient’s current vision, it can not prevent changes to the eye that are a part of the natural aging process. Patients may still require reading glasses to help with age-related near vision loss called presbyopia, which begins to affect everyone in their 40’s.

1 Martínez-Plaza E, López-Miguel A, López-de la Rosa A, et al. Effect of the EVO+ Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life, Am J Ophthalmol 2021;226:117-125. Available: Accessed September 6, 2023.
2 Packer M. Evaluation of the EVO/EVO+ Sphere and Toric Visian ICL: Six month results from the United States Food and Drug Administration clinical trial. Clinical Ophthalmology. 2022;16:1541-53. Available: Accessed September 6, 2023.
3 Parkhurst GD. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clin Ophthalmol. 2016;10:1209-1215. Available: Accessed September 6, 2023.
4 Packer M. The Implantable Collamer Lens with a central port: review of the literature. Clin Ophthalmol. 2018;12:2427-2438. Available: Accessed September 6, 2023.
5 Parkhurst GD, Psolka M, Kezirian GM. Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the Visian ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7):473-481. Available: Accessed September 6, 2023.
6 Ganesh S, Brar S, Pawar A. Matched population comparison of visual outcomes and patient satisfaction between 3 modalities for the correction of low to moderate myopic astigmatism. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:1253-1263. Available: Accessed September 6, 2023.

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